Artist TopHat completes wallpaper collection

From Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
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the493, Isshu Collection includes all known Pokémon
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  • Tuesday, September 14, 2010

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This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
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The last of the wallpapers from "the493", given to Bulbagarden
Wallpaper of Bulbasaur from the collection

TopHat, webmaster of, has for the past few months been working on a Pokémon wallpaper collection known as the493. Originally conceived as a way to bring together different Pokémon news sites, the collection has turned into somewhat of a big deal across certain portions of the fandom.

I had the privilege of talking with TopHat a bit about his collection. The following text has been slightly edited for relevance and spelling errors.

Two months or so ago I began a small project: the493. I was taking requests to turn Pokémon into minimalistic wallpapers. I didn't plan to do the entire set, but after 100 wallpapers it went viral overnight. As such, I continued the project. On Wednesday I completed the last of the wallpapers.

I finished up and decided I'd officially "end" the project on Friday. Over the next day I had thought about why I had ended up finishing the entire Pokédex: the Pokémon fans, obviously. That's when it hit me: I should involve the community with the "finale" of the project. Over the course of Black and White coverage, it was obvious that the different news sites felt some hostility towards each other, and I thought by inviting people to participate it could serve as a reminder that we are all friends of the franchise. I was probably thinking too deep, but the idea had already been planted in my brain.

I contacted GoNintendo, Pokejungle, Template:Legendary Pokémon (site) and Bulbagarden to participate in the finale.

  -- TopHat  

Bulbagarden and Bulbanews are now hosting the final wallpaper from the "the493" collection, as well as informing the larger community of the wallpaper collection. We invite you to take a look through the wallpapers from the493 as well as the Isshu Collection.

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