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Upcoming episodes
This is a schedule of upcoming episodes of the Pokémon anime. Times, titles and dates are subject to change.
Original Japanese
Friday, Aug. 18, 6:55 p.m. JST
ニャゴシエイター・ニャース!ズルズキン説得作戦!! Nyagotiator Nyarth! Zuruzukin Persuasion Tactics!!
Friday, Aug. 25, 6:55 p.m. JST
チョロネコに御用心! ニャースとミジュマル!! Beware of Choroneko! Nyarth and Mijumaru!!
Friday, Sept. 1, 6:55 p.m. JST
オーベムとダブランと夢泥棒! Oobemu and Doublan and the Dream Thief!
Friday, Sept. 8, 6:55 p.m. JST
ニャゴシエーター・ニャース!ツンベアーの森を突破せよ!! Nyagotiator Nyarth! Break Through the Forest of Tunbear!!
English-language dub
The Missing Hotachi! Mijumaru's Biggest Crisis Ever |
, Aug. 13, 消えたホタチ!ミジュマル最大の危機!! 9 a.m.
Oshawott's Lost Scalchop!
The Monmen in Love Rides the Wind!, Aug. 20, 恋するモンメンは風に乗って! 9 a.m.
Cottonee in Love!
Ligray and the UFO!, Aug. 27, リグレーと未確認飛行物体! 9 a.m.
A UFO for Elgyem!
Rival Battle! Vanipeti, Dokkorā Compete in a Battle |
, Sept. 3, ライバルバトル!バニプッチ、ドッコラー参戦!! 9 a.m.
Ash and Trip's Third Battle!