Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure announced for Australia, New Zealand

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Nintendo Wireless Keyboard will be included
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Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure boxart

Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure will be released in New Zealand and Australia Jan. 10, 2013. The Nintendo Wireless Keyboard will be included in the package.

In this game, players have to type a Pokémon's name correctly to be able to capture it. Only the first letter of a Pokémon needs to be typed correctly in the levels that are early on in the game. As the player continues playing through the levels, more will be required for capture, and the player's typing skills will become stronger.

Legendary Pokémon such as Reshiram, Zekrom, Cobalion, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Terrakion, Virizion, Kyogre, and Groudon can be captured.

Players may also learn how to make their typing speed and accuracy better with tutorials provided by the game.