Pokémon, Nobunaga's Ambition crossover announced

From Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
Revision as of 01:51, 17 December 2011 by Water Max (talk | contribs) (I can't find a page about it on the site but I can find pictures with their info on Twitter.)
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A Pokémon Crossover Game was revealed by Dengeki Online
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  • Saturday, December 17, 2011

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This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
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A new Pokémon game was announced by the Dengeki Online website. It is set to be released in 2012, and not much is known about it except the fact that it is a crossover with Nabunaga Ambition. Screen shots have also been posted, which show that some sort of partnership between human and Pokémon is present, very much like the main series of games.

Nobunaga's Ambition is a game series first started in 1983, with the latest game being released in 2009. They are turn based strategy games in which the player attempts to conquer Japan.
