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== Season 5 ==
== Season 5 ==
<!--{{bcbox|003|Sept. 26, 2009|AiedailEclipsed, Blackjack Palazzo, PokémonTrainerLisa, YeOldeJacob, ♥Leeney Rose♥ |1337R34P3R, ashita, DCM, "Grandma Pikachu," Mitch, Moises, TTEchidna|Pokémon video games, the return of call-ins (with a call-in fest!)}}-->
{{bcbox|004|Oct. 17, 2011|Luna Tardor, hurristat, Musashi|Topics: Most recent anime episode in Japan(BW054) and Alder, Masuda's tweets.)}}
{{bcbox|002.5|Sept. 22, 2009|Chosen of Mana, Dratini927, Satoshi-kun, Square-kun|A "retrocast" that brought back some of the original Bulbacasters to the ring.}}
{{bcbox|003|Oct 09, 2011|hurristat - BulbaCast Host, Yoshi-san, Luna Tardor, and SS_Jup81.|This week we have topics that include discussions on the latest Japanese episode, treatment of Video Game characters in Best Wishes!, and a one-year retrospective on Pokemon Black and White, current and coming events, Pokemon news}}
{{bcbox|002|Sept. 16, 2009|ashita, immewnity, PPNSteve, Satoshi-kun|HGSS, TCG, Manga, Anime as well as the return of the question of the week.|Blackjack Palazzo}}
{{bcbox|002|Oct. 02, 2011|hurristat, Yoshi-san, CommanderPigg, Paperhorse, Aestivate, and Musashi.|This week on BulbaCast we have topics that include: discussions on the latest Japanese episode, Satoshi vs. Kamitsure. A one-year retrospective on Best Wishes. WiFi and the Dream World, current and coming events, Pokemon news}}
{{bcbox-f|001|Sept. 6, 2009|AiedailEclipsed, PokémonTrainerLisa, YeOldeJacob, ♥Leeney Rosé♥|Launch of BC4, HGSS, Manga, TCG, Anime,  KPU|immewnity, Moises}}
{{bcbox-f|001|Sept. 24, 2011|hurristat, Kakuna Matata, GengarEatBanana, coolcatkim22|BulbaCast Remake - Most recent anime episode in Japan (BW049/51). Talk about Bel as a battler and the treatment of her father in the anime. Upcoming anime episode in Japan (BW050/52), quick preview, but no spoilers. A variety of video game news and speculation upon each.}}

== Season 4 ==
== Season 4 ==


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