Mysterious new Pokémon announced on Pokémon Smash!: Difference between revisions

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#REDIRECT [[New Pokémon announced on Pokémon Smash!]]
type=news |
picture=New Pokemon 72dpi.jpg |
caption=A new Pokémon with a connection to Mewtwo will be appearing in Pokémon X and Y! |
weekday=Saturday |
day=6 |
month=4 |
year=2013 |
time=23:04:13 |
discusstype=none |
discusslink= |
sourcetype=none |
sourcename=Pokémon Smash |
sourcelink= |
user=Ryu Shoji |
userlink=User:Ryu Shoji |
tagline=Last week's teased news revealed to be an alternate form of Mewtwo |
blurb=Last week, GameFreak Director Junichi Masuda appeared in a special preview at the end of Pokémon Smash, confirming that he will be appearing in the next episode to reveal new information about the upcoming Pokémon X and Pokémon Y Nintendo 3DS pair. After a week of anticipation, the episode has finally aired! }}
[[File:New Pokemon 72dpi.jpg|thumb|The new Pokémon]]
'''UPDATE:''' A press email from The Pokémon Company International says the following:
{{quote|This new Pokémon shares many traits with Mewtwo and it’s suspected that the newly discovered Pokémon has a connection with Mewtwo—a powerful Pokémon that debuted in Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue.
What is this new Pokémon? How will you encounter it in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y? When will you know more? One thing is clear, your readers will certainly want to debate the meaning of this new Pokémon!}}
Last week, GameFreak Director {{bp|Junichi Masuda}} appeared in a special preview at the end of {{bp|Pokémon Smash}}, confirming that he will be appearing in the next episode to reveal new information about the upcoming {{bp|Pokémon X}} and {{bp|Pokémon Y}} {{bp|Nintendo 3DS}} pair. After a week of anticipation, the episode has finally aired and we now have confirmation of a Pokémon that has a connection with the Genetic Pokémon {{bp|Mewtwo}}. Due to having a connection with Mewtwo, it will most likely be appearing in {{bp|M16|Extreme Speed Genesect: Mewtwo's Awakening}}.
[[File:Mewtwo forme battle.png|thumb|The new Pokémon in battle]]