Upcoming anime: Difference between revisions

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(Wrong episode to double with; hope date's wrong)
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== {{color2|000|Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Galactic Battles|Pokémon DP: Galactic Battles}} ==
== {{color2|000|Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Galactic Battles|Pokémon DP: Galactic Battles}} ==
{{epi-dub|Aug.|22|DP121|The Lonely Snover!|さびしがりやの{{pcolor|Snover|000|ユキカブリ}}!|The Lonely Yukikaburi!}}

{{epi-dub|Sept.|5|DP122|Stopped in the Name of Love!|{{color2|000|Evolution|進化}}!その時{{pcolor|Piplup|000|ポッチャマ}}は!?|Evolution! This Time for Pochama!?}}
{{epi-dub|Sept.|5|DP122|Stopped in the Name of Love!|{{color2|000|Evolution|進化}}!その時{{pcolor|Piplup|000|ポッチャマ}}は!?|Evolution! This Time for Pochama!?}}