Talk:CoroCoro features new green creature
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Green Pokemon Height
According to my math the mysterious Pokemon is '0 "9.40 (0 feet and approx. 9 inches) Gs22033 (talk) 15:35, 14 August 2015 (UTC)
- Would you be so kind enough to tell me how you came up with this? --リック EO (Talk) 17:51, 15 August 2015 (UTC)
In the Mega Evolution trailer with Chespie carrying the mysterious Pokemon, I noticed that with the tail of the green Pokemon touching ground, the Pokemon was 2/3 the height of Chespie. Chespin's official height is 1'04", or 16 inches. 16 divided by 2/3 is 24, which is the Pokemon's height in centimeters, because if the Pokemon's height was 24 inches, it would be taller than Chespie, which it obviously isn't. I then converted 24 inches to centimeters, which is approx. 9.44882. Take away '882'. The exact height is 9.44 inches. The rounded height is 9.40 inches. Gs22033 (talk) 00:51, 17 August 2015 (UTC)