Autumn Deerling skin now available internationally

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Skin available until Dec. 8
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  • Wednesday, November 9, 2011

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Autumn Deerling skin

The C-Gear skin featuring Autumn Deerling is now available to those with international Pokémon Global Link accounts. The promotion runs from Nov. 9 to Dec. 8, 2011, and the password for the skin, as reported by Poké, is AD3H7SN2.

The Autumn Deerling skin is the third of four skins featuring the four forms of Deerling to be distributed as previously reported. The Winter Deerling form is the only one yet to be featured on a C-Gear skin, and it is expected to be available from December to January. This skin has been available since Nov. 2 for those with Japanese and Korean accounts and will remain available until Dec. 1.
