Pokémon Movie novelization, mangas for preorder at Amazon.com

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Movie 10 release window, localized title, hinted
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  • Thursday, December 13, 2007
  • Originally reported by GoldChaos

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Forum user Pokeyug uncovered listings on the Amazon.com e-commerace site for a novelization for the tenth Pokémon Movie as well as mangas for the ninth and tenth movie.

The novelization currently has a listing under the title 2008 D-T-V Novelization (Pokemon) with the accompanying image stating Pokémon: Movie 10 Novelization. It is published by Scholatic and has a April 2008 publishing date.

The two manga listed are published by Viz. The manga based on the ninth movie is due to be released on June 3, 2008, while the manga based on the tenth movie has a date of August 5. The tenth movie manga has the title Dialga vs. Palkia vs.. Darkrai suggesting the title will be retained for localization.