Official Black and White website updated

From Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
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Clearer images from the recently leaked CoroCoro have now appeared on the official BW site
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  • Thursday, July 15, 2010
  • Reported on Bulbanews by Jello

001Bulbasaur Dream.png
This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
Link to this article has updated its Black and White section of its site to include clearer and newer images from the recently leaked CoroCoro scans. Updated information on the characters, Pokémon, and game features are also included.

Gochiruzeru has been confirmed to be exclusive to Pokémon Black, while Rankurusu has been confirmed to be in Pokémon White. A new move called Coil 「とぐろをまく」 has been seen in one of the screenshots. It is of Poison-type and has 20PP.
