Masuda downplays "No third version" speculation

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Junichi Masuda denies rumor that there will be no third version of Pokémon Black and White
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  • Saturday, February 19, 2011

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Pokémon Black and White marked the start of Generation V of Pokémon

In an interview with Game Trailers Pokémon game developer and director Junichi Masuda talked about Generation V of Pokémon. Among the many things that came up during the interview was the rumor that Black and White would not a have a third version. This rumor came to be after the Spanish site Meristation claimed that in an interview with game developer Mana Ibe, she denied there would be a third version of Pokémon Black and White. Junichi Masuda dispelled those rumors completely. He was noted as saying that he did not recall ever saying there would not be a third one and that he was very surprised to hear about the rumor. Pokémon Black and White will see their English language debut on March 4, in Europe.