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Upcoming episodes
This is a schedule of upcoming episodes of the Pokémon anime. Times, titles and dates are subject to change.
Original Japanese
Friday, Sept. 29, 6:55 p.m. JST
ライモンジム! 華麗なる電撃バトル!! Raimon Gym! Magnificent Electric Shock Battle!!
Friday, Oct. 6, 6:55 p.m. JST
サトシ、デントVSサブウェイマスター! Satoshi, Dent VS Subway Masters!
Friday, Oct. 13, 6:55 p.m. JST
サトシVSチャンピオン・アデク! Satoshi VS Champion Adeku!
English-language dub
Dangoro! Let's Fire the Luster Cannon |
, Sept. 24, ダンゴロ!ラスターカノン発射せよ!! 9 a.m.
Gotta Catch A Roggenrola!
Sommelier-Detective Dent! Tabunne Disappearance Case |
, Oct. 1, ソムリエ探偵デント!タブンネ失踪事件!! 9 a.m.
Where Did You Go, Audino?