New Pokémon Ninfia revealed in CoroCoro

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Excited fans speculate relationship to Eevee
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  • Tuesday, February 12, 2013

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This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
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Scans from the latest CoroCoro leak have revealed the sixth new Pokémon from the upcoming Pokémon X and Y. The new Pokémon, Ninfia, was pictured alongside Eevee and the Eeveelutions, causing many fans to jump on the speculation bandwagon.

Ninfia, the first new Pokémon not to be in the recent X and Y trailer, was first seen as a silhouette. Later scans showed the Pokémon in full color, with an arrow tracking from Eevee to Ninfia suggesting a relationship.

Ninfia's type is still unknown. If it is indeed an Eeveelution, it will likely be the first to be typed with one of the formerly Physical types. The method for obtaining such an Eeveelution is also a mystery.

It was hinted earlier this year over Twitter that fans could expect new Eeeveelutions in the sixth generation of Pokémon.