Pokémon GO first anniversary event now live

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Ash hat Pikachu available in the wild
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  • Friday, July 7, 2017

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Ash hat Pikachu artwork

The first anniversary event for Pokémon GO is now live until July 24, 2017 (1 pm PST).

During this event, players can encounter Pikachu wearing Ash's hat (called "Pikachu wearing a familiar hat"). Pikachu retains this hat when it evolves into Raichu. Additionally, Eggs obtained during the event can hatch into Pichu wearing Ash's hat.

Additionally, players can purchase an Anniversary Box from the in-game Store during the event. The Anniversary Box costs 1200 PokéCoins and includes 6 Egg Incubators, 6 Max Revives, 2 Premium Raid Passes, and 20 Ultra Balls.