Bulbanews:Contact us
From Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
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General suggestions
If you have general suggestions for Bulbanews, please post them in the Bulbawiki forum on the Bulbagarden forums, or, if you would like to make a suggestion privately, contact a member of the editorial board, or send an e-mail to editor@bulbanews.bulbagarden.net.
Getting published
Opinion pieces
Bulbanews will publish well-written opinion pieces on current events. To submit an opinion piece, follow the steps outlined in Bulbanews:Article submission.
If you would like to publish a column on Bulbanews, please submit an application to a member of the editorial board. Please include the following in your application:
- Column title
- Theme of the column
- Schedule (i.e. daily, weekly, fortnightly etc.)
- Redistribution license (A Creative Commons license is recommended)
- One sample article
Comic strips
Bulbanews is presently considering the possibility of publishing comic strips. Please contact us if you are interested.