Eon Ticket to be distributed in France

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French players will be able to get the Eon Ticket by StreetPassing a "Mystery Trainer"
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  • Thursday, December 4, 2014
  • Reported on Bulbanews by Jdsaphir
    Originally reported on A Nintendo Newsletter

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This local article reports on an event in a specific geographical location. It may not be relevant for all readers.
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A Nintendo Newsletter sent today informed French players that the Eon Ticket would be available in their country by StreetPassing a "Mystery Trainer" who will be travelling from one city to another in the country.

Players will be able to know the next destination of this "Mystery Trainer" (in French, "Dresseur Mystère") on its Facebook page: facebook.com/LeDresseurMystere or its Twitter account: @DresseurMystere.

According to the statuses already published on both pages linked above, the "Mystery Trainer" already passed through Lille (at Lille-Flandres train station) and Paris (at Gare de Lyon train station), and will be in Lyon and Marseille next week-end, supposedly at Lyon Part-Dieu and Marseille Saint-Charles station (timings to be announced).