European Analytic Porygon, Porygon2 Doll, Porygon-Z C-Gear skin now available
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Promotions available via the Pokémon Global Link until Sept. 27
The Analytic Porygon, Porygon2 Doll and Porygon-Z C-Gear skin are now available for those with European Pokémon Global Link accounts to celebrate the relaunch of the Pokémon Global Link.
The Porygon can be befriended by entering the appropriate password revealed by Eurogamer: PORYEUROGAMERNET (UK), PORYEUROGAMERFR (France), PORYEUROGAMERDE (Germany), PORYEUROGAMERES (Spain). There is no password for the Porygon2 Doll and the password for Porygon-Z C-Gear skin is PORYZCGEAR2012 in all countries.
All of these promotions will end on Sept. 27, 2012.