Further details released on Germany, Spain's regional competitions

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Regionals in Bilbao, Spain to be live streamed
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  • Monday, September 4, 2017

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This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
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Regional Championship logo

New information on the Pokémon TCG and VGC Regional Championships that will be held in Bremen, Germany and Bilbao, Spain has been announced. In Bremen, they will be held at the Musical Theater from Sept. 16 to 17, while in Bilbao, they will be held at the Euskalduna Conference Center from Sept. 30 to Oct. 1, 2017. The Regional Championships will reward competitors with up to 108 Booster packs, play mats, trophies, and up to 200 Championship Points.

In Bremen, up to US$5,000 will be awarded in cash prizes for TCG players and up to US$3,000 for VGC players. There will be a charge of €20 for all Junior and Senior division players, and €35 for all Master division players. The Standard format will be used. In Bilbao, they will neither offer cash prizes nor charge an entry fee. The Expanded format will be used.

For those who are unable to go to Regionals in Bilbao, there will be a live stream through the Pokemon.com/Live site in order to stay caught up on the event. The live stream commentators range will be Ross Gilbert, Julian Scharf, Nicholas Pearce, and Joe Bernard for the TCG; and Markus Stadter, Jay Blake, Lee Provost, and Labhaoisa Cromie for the Video Game competition.

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