Next two episodes to feature Naty, Natio, Kurotsugu

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Kurotsugu's Dosidon to appear
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  • Friday, July 24, 2009

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#PocketMonsters has revealed the titles for the 140th and 141st episodes of the Diamond & Pearl series.

The 140th episode will feature the Pokémon Naty and Natio while the 141st episode will introduce the Tower Tycoon Kurotsugu and his Dosidon. The episodes will be entitled 「ネイティ, ネイティオ。。。不思議な森!」 Naty, Natio... Mysterious Forest! and 「タワータイクーン! その男, クロツグ!!」 Tower Tycoon! That Man, Kurotsugu!!, set to air on TV Tokyo on Aug. 27 and Sept. 3, respectively.

Kurotsugu first made an appearance in the beginning of the twelfth movie, battling Shino's champion, Shinora. They were using their Milokaross and Gablias, respectively.
