The Speed Gamers aim to catch all 718 Pokémon for charity

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Week-long marathon for St. Jude's to be streamed on Bulbagarden
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Pokémon caught (as of 21:37, 28 June 2014 (UTC))
Current: 718 Target: 718 Progress: 100%
Target 718 
0 143 287 430 574 718
Money raised (as of 21:37, 28 June 2014 (UTC))
Current: $32,071.33 Target: $50,000 Progress: 64%
$0 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000

The Speed Gamers, a group of video game enthusiasts who regularly play marathons to raise money for charitable causes, will once again hold a week-long Pokémon marathon in aid of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. The Speed Gamers have been holding charity marathons since 2008, during which time they have raised over $300,000 for various charities.

The gamers intend to catch all 718 currently available Pokémon during the seven-day event, which will also feature playthroughs of numerous side games such as Pokémon Stadium, battles in Pokémon Battle Revolution and gameplay from the newly-released Pokémon Conquest.

Once again, Bulbagarden is live streaming the marathon on Bulbapedia, Bulbanews and the Forums, in addition to the streams on The Speed Gamers' own site. Coverage began on June 20th, and will continue until June 27.

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