Toys "R" Us to distribute Ash's Pikachu

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Distribution to last Jan. 30 through Feb. 5
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  • Friday, December 24, 2010

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Toys 'R' Us has announced that participating stores in the United States will distribute an in-game representation of Ash's Pikachu from January 30 through February 5, 2011. The Pikachu will be available to all Generation IV games, though will not be distributed via Wi-Fi like a similar Japanese distribution earlier this year.

The Japanese distribution of Ash's Pikachu took place July 15 through August 10, 2010. The American distribution will most likely be a translated version of the Japanese Pikachu, which would be at level 50, know Volt Tackle, Iron Tail, Quick Attack, and Thunderbolt, a Naughty nature, and hold a Light Ball.

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