Blog comment releases information on Black and White anime

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Brock and Dawn likely to be left behind
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  • Wednesday, June 9, 2010

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A blog comment by storyboard writer Takahashi has revealed information on the newest Pokémon anime: Black and White. Both Brock and Dawn will be left behind, according to the animator. Only the first three episodes were said to have been filmed, so it is impossible to speak for future episodes of the Black and White anime beyond that point.

A translation of the blog post is provided below:

Finally, filming Pokémon has begun!

It was 3 episodes of new series, but it looks like heroine isn't the main girl from game.

I went "Huh!?" when I saw the character chart last time, but it really looks like heroine is original child. It appears that Takeshi isn't in it, and new rival character who is similar to Shinji is in it too.

By the way, heroine is cute but amazing... Her hair style pretty.

  -- Takahashi's blog  

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