Pokémon popularity poll launched

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Winning Pokémon to be distributed by the Global Link
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  • Wednesday, November 2, 2011

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This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
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A poll allowing users to vote for one of the 493 Pokémon introduced before generation V to be distributed on the Pokémon Global Link is being done for users outside of Japan and Korea. The poll is called "Vote to Befriend a Pokemon" and the most popular Pokémon will be distrubuted in the Dream World with its Hidden Ability if it has one. The results are scheduled to be tallied and announced on Dec. 13 2011 and the winning Pokémon will be distributed from Feb. 1 2012 until Feb. 29 2012.

This poll was previously done in Japan with the winner being Arceus and in Korea with the winner being Rayquaza.
