Pokémon popularity poll to begin on Saturday

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Winning Pokémon to appear in Dream World
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  • Tuesday, September 14, 2010
  • Reported on Bulbanews by Umeko

001Bulbasaur Dream.png
This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
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Image advertising the poll

The official Japanese website has announced a popularity poll to begin on September 18th, which will determine a Pokémon to appear for a limited time in the Pokémon Dream World.

Pokémon Dream World logo

The Global Link website, for use with the Pokémon Black and White games, will open on the day of the games' release. From then until 5 PM JST on November 1st votes may be placed for a Pokémon to appear in the Dream World.

The results are scheduled to be tallied and announced at 5 PM JST on November 5th, at which point the most popular Pokémon will become available in the Dream World. The winning Pokémon will be found in the Dream World until 5 PM JST on January 31st, 2011.

External links

http://www.pokemon-sp.jp/news-sp/2010/09/0913_01.html - Official Pokémon website (Japanese)