AG150 - Breeding House Practitioner and the Pokémon Egg!

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AG150 has aired in Japan
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  • Thursday, November 3, 2005
  • Reported on Bulbanews by Argy

001Bulbasaur Dream.png
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Satoshi and his friends visit a Pokémon breeding house, where the practitioner is resentful of Haruka because she is a coordinator.

According to posters at Pokeani, Haruka received a Pokémon egg that contains an Eievui. The series ending theme changed back to GLORY DAY ~That Shining Day~, but it is unknown if the animation was updated to reflect team changes.

For a summary and pictures, view the episode's Bulbapedia entry and view the Archives screenshots.

Next week: AG151 - Rival is a Salaryman!?