Bulbacast Season 2, Episode 13 released

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April special; Movie 9 discussion
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  • Tuesday, April 3, 2007
  • Reported on Bulbanews by Argy

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Bulbacast has released the 13th episode of its second season. The recording is an April special that features discussion of the ninth movie and other subjects. Hosts are Archaic (Bulbagarden), PPN Steve (Pokémon Palace Network), TSS_Killer (#PocketMonsters), Dratini927 (#Bulbagarden), Satoshi-kun (#Bulbagarden) and Misty (Bulbagarden, Smogon).

Bulbacast is a Pokémon podcast supported by Bulbagarden, Pokémon Palace Network and #PocketMonsters. New episodes are usually released on Wednesdays, and the cast is currently in its second season.

Bulbacast features a rotating series of hosts who discuss Pokémon with each other and guest call-ins. The cast is recorded 7 p.m. EDT Saturdays on Skype. Guests are asked to join the Bulbagarden IRC chat shortly before the recording begins so questions can be reviewed. Guests must use Skype, have a microphone and be in a quiet location to minimize extraneous noise.
