Bulbacast brings podcasting to Pokémon fandom

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Five fans discuss Pokémon Ranger in inaugural recording
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  • Sunday, December 11, 2005
  • Reported on Bulbanews by Argy

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Bulbagarden unveiled today its new podcasting service, a first of its kind in the Pokémon fandom. In the one-hour premiere, five Pokémon fans dicussed Pokémon Ranger and the plans Bulbacast has for future recordings. According to those involved, Bulbacast will be recorded and uploaded for public download on a weekly basis.

In this week's episode, Archaic (Bulbagarden Web master), TSS_Killer (#pocketmonsters), PPN Steve (Pokémon Palace Network), Pie (BMGf moderator) and Winter discussed the latest Japanese episode, Pokémon Ranger Appears! Celebi Rescue Mission!! and its tie-ins to the upcoming Pokémon Ranger game and movie. They also discussed the possibility of Pokémon USA taking control of the Pokémon anime from 4Kids Entertainment.

Speaker line-ups will change every week. Archaic has invited fans to participate and to contact him for details.

Announced in the podcast was a karaoke contest. Entrants will be required to sing the full version Pokémon Harahara² Relay with the lyrics as close to the original as possible.

A Bulbacast forum will be added to BMGf in the near future, according to Archaic.

For instructions on how to download the first Bulbacast, visit the introductory topic at Bulbagarden Forums.