Various manga release dates announced for 2011

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Three volumes to be available end of February
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  • Saturday, January 1, 2011

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Today, the Shōgakukan website had posted the release dates for two manga series. The first release date is the 38th volume of 「ポケットモンスター☆SPECIAL」Pocket Monsters Special. It will be released in Japan on Feb. 25 for the price of ¥490 (about USD 6.03). The book's ISBN is 9784091412089. Volume 38 continues the Diamond & Pearl chapter of the manga.

Also announced was the second and third volume of 「ポケモントライアドベンチャー」 Pokémon Try Adventure. Both volumes will be released on Feb. 28 in Japan at a price of ¥500 (about USD 6.17). The volume two's ISBN is 9784091412195, and volume three's ISBN is 9784091412201.

In addition to current releases, the second volume of the Pocket Monsters HGSS manga will come out on January 28th as was previously reported on Bulbanews.
